Conference on Pastoral Care in Catholic Universities “Towards A Polyhedric Vision” Vatican City, 23-24 November 2023
The Catholic universities, born ex corde Ecclesiae, are at the service of her mission in the forms proper to the world of universities, by means of research, teaching and influence on society. The guardians and beating heart of this mission of evangelization, which pertains to the whole university community, are university pastoral services and chaplains, in the diversity of their structures... Read more
Announcement for a contest award from Pontifice Accademie 2023
The Dicastery for Culture and Education, the Pontifical Academy for Latin is responsible for the competition to award the prize of the Pontifical Academies, whose purpose is to promote and develop Christian humanism. The Cardinal Secretary of State, on behalf of the Holy Father, will award the first and second place winners the gold and the silver medals at the annual public session of the... Read more
Saturday the 18th of February 2023, memorial of Blessed Giovanni da Fiesole O.P., Fra Angelico, Patron of Artists, the Dicastery for Culture and Education has been enriched by the Papal appointment of new Members and Collaborators for a five year term. Appointment of members of the Dicastery for Culture and Education The Holy Father has appointed the following as members of the Dicastery for... Read more